
Handwriting on the Wall

The Coolsisters were having a little chat with office chums the other day, many of whom have young children, who informed us that no one learns handwriting any more in school. Instead they learn block printing. Well, it makes sense. Who needs penmanship when you have a keyboard that fills most every need? Surely we all have noticed that our own writing with a pen or pencil feels increasingly weird as if the brain and hand aren't connected, but put us in front of a keyboard and the words just pour out (don't get us started on the irony of refusing to learn to type in high school for fear of being stuck in a job typing). Still, we love looking at handwriting - like the example here of our grandfather's, circa 1909 or so. It's so personal and idiosyncratic, though a lot of it can be pretty indecipherable. We figure it won't be long before it is completely gone, though not entirely mourned.


Betsy said...

I refuse to let handwriting go -- long live the letter (or note, concession to the times) written with a fountain pen!

When I saw the title of your post, I thought you were actually going to talk about transferring cool old handwriting to a wall...still one of my dreams to have a pithy quote circling around the top of the dining room walls, preferrably in handwriting versus vinyl letters or block printing. Hard to find the right words.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Betsy. I thought you were going to say how much you love writing. Whenever I'm stuck for words I always turn to pen and paper. I often write during down time at the store where I work or waiting in a doctor's office because I always have pen and paper with me though no phone or laptop. I have three fountain pens, lots of nib pens and like nothing so much as a piece of art that incorporates text.

Anonymous said...

I also found the clip easy to read and I think it's because I do a lot of cursive writing..